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In order to maximise the potential reach of organic discoverability for your LinkedIn hashtags, all of your hashtags have to have a significant number of followers - ideally several thousand, or even better, several MILLION!


The reason for that is, even if a linkedin hashtag has 1000 followers, that doesn’t mean that all of the 1000 people who follow this linkedin hashtag would be online on a given day.


And even if they are, LinkedIn might show them competing content and not content from your hashtag.


So... lets prioritise the linkedin hashtags with high engagement


Hashtags and number of followers


#india - 67.6m

#innovation - 39m

#management - 36m

#humanresources - 33.2m

#digitalmarketing - 27.5.

#creativity - 25m

#technology - 26.4m

#future - 24.6m

#futurism - 23.5m

#entrepreneurship - 22.7

#careers - 22.5m

#markets - 22m

#entrepreneurship - 22m

#startups - 21.2m

#marketing - 20.3m

#socialmedia - 19.4m

#venturecapital - 19.3m

#socialnetworking - 19.3m

#leanstartups - 19m

#marketing - 19m

#economy - 18.7m

#professionalwomen - 18m

#branding - 18m

#economics - 18m

#macroeconomics - 17.6m

#advertisingandmarketing - 17.2m

#gender - 16.7m

#womeninscience - 16.6m

#feminism - 16.3m

#motivation - 15.8m

#investing - 14.4m

#jobinterviews - 14.4m

#money - 14.1m

#personaldevelopment - 14m

#sustainability - 13.2m

#alternativeenergy - 12.8m

#personalbranding - 10.5m

#hiringandpromotion - 10m

#healthcare - 9.7m

#education - 9.6m

#customerrelations - 8.7m

#productivity - 8.5m

#educationpolicy - 8.3m

#educationreform - 8.3m

#medicine - 8.1m

#whatinspiresme - 8.1m

#healthcarereform - 7.7m

#bestadvice - 7.7m

#gettingthingsdone - 7m

#travel - 7m

#managedcare - 7.4m

#airtravel - 7.4m

#analytics - 6.5m

#data - 6.1m

#fundraising - 5.7m

#sales - 5.8m

#law - 5.5m

#fundraising - 5.7m

#strategy - 5.1m

#construction - 4.7m

#culture - 4.7m

#accountingandaccountants - 4.5m

#music - 4.4m

#fashion - 4.1m

#energy - 4m

#business - 3.7m

#networking - 3.5m

#leadership - 3.3m

#hiring - 3m

#health - 2.3m

#happiness - 2.2m

#mentalhealth - 1.8m

#linkedin - 1.3m

#startup - 1m

#success - 779,000

#career - 723,000

#contentmarketing - 653,000

#copywriting - 644,000

#entrepreneur - 532,000

#emailmarketing - 505,500

#storytelling - 405,064

#retail - 326,000

#digital - 313,000

#partnerships - 250,295

#microsoft - 239,000

#jobopportunities - 190,000

#software - 176,000

#learning - 165,000

#work - 132,000

#amazon - 125,000

#inspiration - 119,000

#community - 118,000

#success - 110,622



Please note, I am not affiliated with LinkedIn and purely provide assistance to business owners and professionals on how to use this fantastic platform.

Mike Roberts Linkedin Training in Harrogate and Leeds

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